Lone Wolf Filming in Eastern Europe
Warsaw underground
Right now a search is taking place, thanks to a Revolution in Archeology that is helping to explode a widely-held misconception about the Holocaust, a fallacy we’ve all heard, that Jews went to their deaths “like sheep to the slaughter.”
In truth, they fought back, over and over again, in many different ways, against an unimaginably cruel and overpowering enemy.
Production has begun on this 90-minute documentary film - THE RESISTANCE PROJECT - and crews are currently filming in multiple locations of Eastern Europe.
From the Producer/Writer Owen Palmquist:
“Production is now underway for the Resistance Project feature documentary. Lone Wolf, in partnership with Leading Edge Productions, has put two teams in the field in Eastern Europe. The Riga, Latvia unit is following geoscientists led by Dr. Richard Freund as they search for evidence of mass graves and destroyed structures dating back to a little known chapter of the Holocaust here. 400 miles away, the Warsaw, Poland unit has just completed a combined preliminary shoot and scout of the historic city that was ground zero for the largest Jewish Uprising of the Holocaust. Shortly, the two teams will join together in Kaunas, Lithuania to complete the final three weeks of production on a whirlwind tour through Eastern Europe!”